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All of us are teachers and learners but here’s how to be great at both
Frog Education
At different stages of our lives we move between being teachers – mentoring, managing or training – and being learners. Our approach to these roles can have a lifelong impact, whether imparting information or taking it in.
In our #ProTips series we have taken sound pedagogical principles to help enhance information delivery, from compliance training through to cultural content, to help learners interpret and better retain knowledge shared.
We all benefit from great training
Workplace training is not only necessary but can also be very valuable for continuous professional development. Therefore, the better an employer is at both offering and delivering great training, the greater the likelihood of retaining and attracting talent.
Even compliance training can be given a content upgrade to ensure necessary information is not just endured but presented in a way which makes even the driest of topics stand out. As learners we stand a better chance of taking on information if the ‘teaching’ experience is good.
Take your inspiration now!
Thought the selfie stick redundant? Think again, this trick used by many YouTubers can seriously upgrade your training content delivery!
It has long been a teacher or trainer favourite to ask questions of learners in the classroom, putting people on the spot to test they have taken an interest in the subject. The same principal can be applied to online training sessions…
Do you prefer to see the whites of people’s eyes as you train? Like to draw feedback from a real audience? With these top tips we’ll make you a fan of online learning too.
How’s your drawing? How often do people pick up the pens in training to demonstrate a process, idea or chart? Find out how you can do this online too!
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By Frog Professional Development
Delivering training is far from easy, especially when working with inadequate tools and needing to reach a workforce that may be spread out far and wide geographically. The #ProTips series brings plenty of inspiration for ‘teachers’ or trainers (of any capacity) to be able to present and deliver information in creative ways. Thus improving outcomes for teachers and learners alike.
All ProTips