Your Platform. Your Way
Platform Styling

Making FrogLMS look and feel like you!


Many training platforms offer an 'out of the box' experience. With FrogLMS you get that same instant experience but with the unmatched ability to stylise the platform and make it personal to you!

Learn more...

What can be styled?


The FrogLMS platform can be completely re-styled to ensure it fully reflects your brand's identity.
The FrogLMS platform can be completely customised so it has the structure, features and functionality you need!
Take a journey through the platform to see how training can be created, customised and delivered!
FrogLMS offers a range of options, from manual imports to in-built APIs and custom-built integrations.


What can be styled?

With every platform we implement, our experienced creative team complete a full design process. This stage of the implementation ensures your identity is fully integrated into the platform's styling - ensuring that at every stage your employees are immersed in your brand's look and feel! 

The table below highlights the key areas of FrogLMS that can be styled...

Click an area to find out more...
Styling included
Bespoke Background
Bespoke Theme Design
Bespoke Styling
Bespoke Theme Design
Bespoke Certificate Design

What is a Theme Design?

The primary way that your brand is applied to the Welcome Dashboard and Content Sites is through a 'theme'. A theme is special file within the platform that defines what styling is applied to the header, background, navigation and also the page content. 

Changing a 'Theme' does not change the page content or the menu items but just the styling that is applied to it. The image shown here demonstrates this...


The series of visuals below demonstrate just how flexible our options are when it comes to ensuring our platform looks and feels like you...

Login Page

As part of the platform styling process we create a bespoke background image for your login background.


GLF | Bespoke Design

Welcome Dashboard

As part of the platform styling process we create a bespoke theme and also tailor the homepage content on your platform dashboard. As standard your dashboard has a set of pages that are put in place to support the key features of the platform. You have the flexibility to tailor any of these pages and as necessary add or remove.



GLF | Bespoke Design

Training Module

Training Modules have a pre-defined layout. As part of the platform styling process we add bespoke styling to this layout.


GLF | Bespoke Design

Content Site

As part of the platform styling process we create a bespoke theme intended for use across all your content sites. There is no limit to how many sites that you create - you can make as many as you need to support your training and development needs.


GLF | Bespoke Design


As part of the platform styling process we create a bespoke certificate design that your staff will receive on completion of a training module.


GLF | Bespoke Design

Take a look at our portfolio of bespoke branded designs...